Site info

I figure rather than clutter up the main page with my ramblings about the site, I’ll put any changes and information you might need to know about here.

You can use the comments section on this page for any questions not specific to a post, comments about the site, technical issues or requests. (Although I don’t intend to do WCIF’s for the story. There’s too much junk in my pictures to hunt out one loaf of bread. Plus there’s some stuff that’s exclusive, was made for me as a gift, or I made myself and I just haven’t gotten around to releasing yet…)

One Response to Site info

  1. Andavri says:

    Obviously new site layout, so if there are any issues, please let me know. There seems to always be some small thing that I forget when I update a layout and sometimes I don’t notice.

    Also, end of season hiatus is over. Welcome to season two! It should be pretty exciting! (I have lots of mischief planned) I chose to skip Peyton/Ren and Camden/Victoria’s weddings so I could just create those families in CAS when I ended up recreating all of the families in Shadowcrest to solve my rendering problem.

    New tagging/category system for the new season. Categories are marked only for people who appear in the post. Tags are for the people who appear in the post but ALSO for people who are important in that post. It’s a reference thing. Jolene might not have appeared in X post, but if half the dialog is about her, from now on she’ll appear in the tags.

    Finished the rest of the Crestian character bios, you’ll even get sneak-peeks at the girls who haven’t shown up yet story-wise. I’ve changed the signature look over to reflect everyone’s new outfits. (Finally finished, more or less) with that. (Four people are wearing outfits I didn’t create, when I get better ideas for them I’ll switch them over, until then, it’s fine and I’ll move along to other categories.)

    On my still to do list:
    1. Linking all of the character pics to unedited pics. This is mostly cause Morganna doesn’t like edit pics for anything but banners, avs, and sigs.
    2. Getting into some depth on the religion of Shadowcrest + the neighbors, because they’ll become important this season.
    3. Finish up posting my lookbooks for Shadowcrest’s casualwear.
    4. Get started on women’s formals, standardizing family palettes and fabrics, and generally get back to work on skinning.

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