[News] So my end of the season hiatus is coming early.

I had intended to do two more episodes this season, I wanted to get them shot today so that I could post one tonight and one Saturday afternoon and thus have it out of the way before the end of the year and could spend my simming time between now and the fifth of January working on townies, shops, hair and clothes.

But for some reason I’m getting a graphics glitch in Shadowcrest. My bumpmaps aren’t working and I’m getting a weird transparency issue too. It might be as simple as a piece of CC that’s got a conflict or it could just be that it’s been April since I had to reinstall sims and that’s apparently too long.

I’m afraid shooting around it will bug me way too much to focus on shooting, so unless it is a really quick fix, I’m thinking this will be my hiatus and I will focus first on figuring out what went wrong, and then get to work on all of the other stuff I was planning for. Sorry. I was looking forward to finishing out the season and I hope you guys were looking forward to reading it.

Thanks for your understanding. See you the fifth if not earlier!

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